All of this is correct but there's one minor aspect you left out.
David Chase has always said that the key to The Sopranos was that all people - no matter what - will not change. Given the possibility of doing something hard, they will always take the easiest approach. This was true not just of Tony Soprano, but basically everybody in the Soprano world. Remember how Carmela through Tony out at the end of Season 4 and welcomed him back near the end of Season 5, even though he wouldn't even agree to stop cheating? There's a statement about all political marriages right there - the Clintons as much as the Trumps.
And Chase was nearly as cynical about everybody - not just the people in the family. Near the end of the series, Tony and Christoper are run off the road by 'kENNEDY and Heidi." Kennedy asked if they should go back. 'Its after dark and I'm on my learner's permit." That actually tells you just about America. Are we all, at our core, versions of Tony Soprano? You might want to consider that. For how long is a troubling thought.
tONY Soprano does fit the metaphor for Trump, no question. But I have a feeling the final episode was called 'Made in America' for a reason. Tony Soprano is a creature of that America. What does that say about the rest of us?