And if you wanted to see some films where not only are the sex scenes erotic, but that add something to the movie, here are some that I have seen in films I really like:
Lost and Delirious: 2002 Independent film at a girls boarding school where a shy newcomer learns that her roommates are more than roommates. At first it's sexy, then is silly and then it slowly becomes tragic. This movie released unrated when honestly teenagers should have watched it instead of Die Another Day.
Little Children: The Kate Winslet film that nobdoy remembers. Yes, Winslet got naked a lot but rarely for scenes that honestly seemed more for comedy than anything else. A superb literary adaptation, this was the last film Todd Field made for sixteen years until Tar.
Love and Other Drugs: I don't remember the last time Hollywood made a romantic comedy this overtly sexy and where you cared so much about the characters. Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway spent a lot of the time in the movie naked physically and just as much time emotionally. I've rarely cared about characters in a romantic comedy as much as this one.
Blue Valentine: Before Ryan Gosling was a sex god, he spent his formative years in the independent film industry deliberately underplaying his good looks. He did so many time but rarely to better effective in this painfully sad movie that shows the beginning and the end of a marriage. The film just avoided an NC-17 rating because of a very graphic sex scene in a motel room between Gosling and mICHELLE Williams, but its hard to watch not because its too graphic but because you see just how much distance there is between these two characters now. Williams deservedly was nominated for an Oscar, I don't know why Gosling wasn't or who got his place. (I know four of the nominees were legitimate, I don't remember the fifthj.)
I have a separate article about TV that's erotic and not pornographic but I've saving that one for me. Consider these films tonics for what you mention here.