And now, tomorrow I will write another doom porn article.
Are you totally this unaware of yourself? Two weeks ago you wrote an entire article bashing other writers for writing doom porn. What was their crime? Not being you.
You have the exact same self-righteous that Tucker and Sean every time someonce mentions the right is destroying america, that evangelists when they say Christianity is under attack, that white men, straight men anybody at all, says with a straight face that their way of life is under attack.
You are, and I say this with all sincerity, as monstrous, selfish and self-centered as all of them but you're worse because you don't even bother to offer snake oil. The only thing you sell is indifference. And as someone who has spent the last decade seeing what happens when good people do nothing, I find it extremely hypocritical when someone thinks to make a living making this same argument. You write articles where you making a living about how everyone is destroying AMerica and the apocalypse is coming. I haven't a seen a single realistic solution in any of your articles. I haven't seen an unrealistic solution.
The world is dying of cancer and you're offering readers your brand of cigarettes. The world is being poisoned and you're saying: "try my brand of strychnine." The ship is sinking and you're telling everybody, don't try to find a lifeboat. Just let me tell you how everybody's rearranging deck chairs.
Don't pretend you're better than any of the people you berate. Which is everybody. I get that your generation is upset about the way the world is. But don't think for a minute this is doing a thing to save it or that you would lift a finger to save it you could. If there was a chance to end global warning by reducing your social media footprint - something by the way, I wouldn't hesitate to do if it worked - you and everybody else who praises you would clutch whatever your screen you're reading this on (I'm using a computer by the way) and move on to the next doom porn article. I get your anger and frustration, but I genuinely think its more about putting in effort to do anything rather than that you can't just the kick the can down the road to the next generation.
Now go ahead. Write an article telling me I'm a hypocrite. By the way, I have written a few articles about your and your type. But I've never named names. The fact that you know I'm talking about you says more than enough about what kind of person you are.