And your solution is...
At this point, even the most ridiculous leftist would be coming up with the solution we need a third party, We clearly do need a third party... and a fourth, and maybe a fifth... because Americans are tired of having to choose between the lesser of two evils. And consider what the Republicans are saying, its kind of astonishing anyone would. But I haven't seen you once even hint at this. Not even the idea that bernie and the Squad should consider consolidated and forming a new party and to spend the lnext year and a half trying to find people to serve this party and try and force the issue.
But you don't want to force the issue. Because that would take work as opposed to just complaining that everybody's corrupt and the system's irreparibly broken. You say your about policy but you will never put your money where your mouth is.
In essence, people like you are doing the right's work for them. The GOP is doing everything in its power to say, the system is currupt so we have to keep certain people from voting. And you and your ilk are saying, the system is corrupt, so why bother woting at all? Is that not what your arguing here?