As someone who has fundamentally seen his share of unsimulated sex in many films (you want to go down a rabbit hole, type that in search engine.) and really wishes he could bleach his eyes out afterwards I endorse the idea of the intimacy coordinator in all forms of art.
And as someone who watched his fair share of cinemax as a teenager (and well into adulthood, don't judge) I kind of think it could benefit from it there. If for no other reason then that, because of the flaws in our sex education system, pretty much an entire generation of young men think sex is pretty much cut and paste from what they see in porn. Let's not kid ourselves. Not saying that's the only problem with this generation by far, but it can't be helping the issue.
Let's face it: people are going to watch porn. I honestly think as a society we'd be healthier if we acknowledged it. Not highlighted it of course - we should have parents give their kids an introductio to pornhub at 12 or younger, but at least we should tell them not to be ashamed of it. Considering how almost adults tend to not want to discuss sex at all, this sadly is how many people of my generation learned about it in the first place.
So for all of those reasons I endorse you're article. I don't expect it to be a popular view but I think its a necessary one. Teenagers are going to watch porn and if that's their introduction to sex...well, at the very least they should get a better idea of it.