Congratulations. You just spent another article making the exact same progressive talking points that everyone has made for years. Of course you completely chose to omit the Vietnam War, which is some next level shit when you discuss the problems with the Democrats, the fact that there was after the civil rights movement the Democrats party in the South died (but as we all know, we should really have let them secede) and of course the fact that Carter was hated by members of his own party because he was a centrist and not a liberal like all of the good Democrats. Or you know the fact that after 1968 all of you good leftists basically decided to drop out of politics all together and encouraged an entire generation to stop voting. You do know that the rise of conservatism has a correlation to the decline in national vote turn out that started in the 1960s.
Say what you will about conservatives: at least when policies came up that they hated they engaged in a long term plan to take back control. As far as I can tell, all that you on the left have done is write a lot of books in the last half-century telling the world that everything went wrong in the 1960s and you shouldn't trust 'the man'; i.e.d the systen, elected officials, really anybody. The Republicans may have had a false message but it was an effective one. But of course both sides are responsible because Republicans are evil and Democrats aren't evil enough to be Republicans and you know, fix the system so that no Republican can ever hold national or local office again. Because as we all know shutting out your political opponents is what democracy is really all about.