For years I have read the articles of totalitatian leftists who claim to be Democrats. They have spent their lives arguing that the speech of conservatives should be restricted not only from Fox News or Newsmax but any publication or journal in the mainstream media. They argue that people who live in red states - all of them - are unworthy of support or help, even the ones who are part of the Democratic coalition. They have argued that not only MAGA politicians but MAGA voters must be considered a threat to America. They say the media must spend all its time and energy telling everybody in the world waht they already know. They have decided every single Republican is evil and that the first Democratic President was FDR and the modern Democratic Party came into existence in 1964. They think the only way we can save Democracy from being destroyed is to create a one party system where all people who have a contradictory point of view are not listened too.
I like all of them more than you and your people on this blog. At least they have a plan for their mythological utopia even though it is impossible to achieve. You and almost everybody who writes in this field have decided that your contribution to society is going to be writing these articles telling us how screwed we are and how nothing can save us. You have written articles about how both Democrats and Republicans are basically the same; I've read them. You and your ilk write these smart endless columns, congratulate yourselves on how smart you are about how doomed America is, and then shrug as the world goes to hell around you.
The people who work from sunrise to late at night on voter drives in Mississippi or building a Democratic Party in Wyoming show more ambition and committment to Democracy in a single day then you have done in your entire life. They may know in their hearts their causes are futile but they are willing to try to do something to serve as a victory for humanity, even if no one knows about it I imagine you think that your 35,000 followers are some kind of triumph for your breed of thought. It's as much a sign as the demise of our civilization as anything that we see on Newsmax. Every time you right artilces like this, you put another nail in the coffin of empathy and the process of building a coalitions that are part and parcel of making a democracy work. I grant your talents as a writer. Most of your fellow columnists on this subject are. It doesn't make your utter contempt or bigotry for the Other any less contempible or your blindness when it comes to accepting any point of view remotely different from your own.
Dismiss me if you will. You and every other leftists on this blog have a wonderful habit of not being able to hear any voice that even slightly deviates from your own or lashing out and revealing your utter contempt for contradictory points of views. I wish you would at l;east try to have a modicum of empathy for someone who doesn't think the way you do rather than dismiss them as brainless vessels waiting to be filled by a right wing void. But the last two years have given me little hope on that score. The article I received in my mail today has more than proven that point.