Forgive them Monica, most of these people in favor of Palestine couldn't find Israel on a map before OR after October 7th. They don't know the lon and complicated history between Israel and the story of the bigotry that Jews have faced for millennia - no I got that wrong. They do knew. They just don't care. When a group of Gen Z wrtiers can publish a piece about combating anti-Semitism and somehow saw with a straight face that can do so without having to stop their stance on Israel one but, you know the blindess that faces them. Like eveyrone else in the world there is no nuance, no middle ground, no dealing with them. It is purely binary.
I wrote in a sarcastic tone when someone referred to Israel as being formed by genocide that basically that referred to every single nation on Earth. That person said in dead earnest that I was not only acknowledging that Israel was committing genocide but that America and Australia were too. Heaven help me but I actually PREFER the far right's attitude because at least their Klansmen and swatiskas are usually in plain sight. These people on the left's bigotry is far more insidious because they don't even see it themselves. Like still waters, it runs deep. They are as dangerous as the right win because they genuinely belief that they are either not bigoted or that their bigotry is justifiable because the people they are opposed to deserve it.
I appreciate your feelings, and I support them. But if I've learned anything from this site is that extremists of all types can not be reasoned with. I feel sadder about the left's then the right's because they claim to be the good guys and they claim to speak for all the right things but when push comes to shove, they can be as dirrty, ruthless and underhanded when it come to those they consider their enemies. The comments section on your column echoes all the ones I've seen over the years, not just on Israel but all things political. I don't envy you your fight and I do feel your pain but you should know that they want to be in their bubble and they don't want to me reasoned with.