Glad to know you at least were honest enough to label this a rant. Most of your fellow leftist won't be that honest. And as a bonus, you don't have to pretend that anything will change or that you bear any responsibility. And at least you're honest about how much contempt you hold America with.
Yes everything you were told as a child about America was a lie. So is everything German Children, English children, french children, etc. Every single society on earth lies about their history. Nothing new, If you grew up in England, you'd be ranting about Brexit, if you grew up France you'd be ranting about the rise of socialism. Grass is always greener. tHERE is no such thing as a perfect world. Life sucks. Get a helmet.
By the way, if these are the kind of articles you write to make a living don't use hashatgs such as politics or government. Opinion is barely honest. I'd prefer tags like whining and nihilism. I'd suggest doomporn but that's probably got too many followers. But credit to rant. I've been arguing for years that you and your fellow leftist should use truth in advertising and this is a step in the right direction.
By the way, don't bother responding. I'm going to unfollow you as soon as this is written. I've spent too much time the last three years dealing with you and your ilk. Now I know to avoid you too.