Here I disagree with you. I am someone who cares immensely about politics and world events. And I have to struggle each day to read even a handful of articles or watch the news.
Because the thing is: politics and current events are complicated, involving and often boring. I've written many articles that argue that the reason people cared more about politics in the nineteenth century was because there was no realistic form of entertainment and no modern conveniences. Even then, it was frequently reduced to little more than sloganeering, bribery and mudslinging. (And this happened of course when the only people who could vote were white men.) And honestly politics and most current events are dul compared to a sporting event. Every four years I prefered to watch the baseball postseason to any political debate AND I CARE A LOT ABOUT ELECTIONS. Debates pre-Trump were dull. Post Trump therir chaos. I watche 60 percent of the debate on Tuesday but I also spent a good amount of time watching Interstellar.
MSNBC once said that the average Americans spends less than half an hour a year thinking about politics. When I heard that stat, my first thought was:Those lucky bastards. A lot of the people on this blog seem to know much more about politics and the world than the average citizen - they certainly calim too - and it puts them in despair. They may not have any more control over whether the Red Sox win the World Seires or the Jets win the Super Bowl but its more exciting to watch them fail. You ever watch any election night on any cable news network. It's a lot of people standing around in suits playing on maps.
So yes I would love it if every American knew as much or cared as much about politics as they do sports or who stars in the next Marvel movie or, speaking in my field, what happens in the next season of The White Lotus. But I not only get why most of them don't, I completely understand why they wouldn't. There may be the same tribalism in a Eagles-Giants football game but most of them can go back to work on Monday and function. I wonder how the MAGA extremists manage to do the same thing after they leave a rally or how the leftists who write for this blog can do so at all. I'd prefer the company of the sports fan to many of the i'nformed' people on this blog (present company accepted). Having spent time with both, the sports fan is easier to reason with.