how about whoever runs for President decides to eliminate currency? We go back to the barter system of trading are livelihood for jobs.
I realize you don't want to say that your a socialist or lean towards Marx because of all the 'misplaced connotations to it' because of oen or two or really every nations that's ever been Communist, but that's what you mean. You'RE problem wiht every isntitution is that none of us will do it for the reasony ou right such scintillating outcryings of doom. For the sheer amateur spirity. For the lov of decrying institutions.
Your problem is that only people who HAVE money can afford to say 'it's not money its the principle." I can assure you everyone else cares about money.
And for all the argument of the leftist theory of how governments should provide anything, it's as ridiculous as trickle down. We take all of the money from the rich people and invest in government programs that in the future will eventually help all of the people in poverty. It does nothing to help the people who are impoversihed or struggling right now and is as ludicrous as Reaganomics was. It's a theory that only works in academic settings same as all your other one
And by the way, it's not going to help by deciding that the small states have too much power simply because you don't have a presence here. For the record Vermont, Massachusetts, Delaware and Rhode Island don't have anywhere near as big or diverse a population as the state of Florida or Ohio. But somehow you leave that part out of the argument when 'no one lives in states' like Idaho and Wyoming. No let's be clear 'the right kind of people like in those states, just 'like the right kind of people like in New York and California.'
The key to Democrats success is that they have to start doing the hard work of a 50 state strategy, try to win back moderates rather than the far left, build up parties in states like Idaho etc and maybe stop calling forty to forty five percent of the country xenophobic because of who they vote for. Oh and it wouldn't hurt if you and the rest of your colleagues actually bothered to act like grownups and vote yourself. I know you won't - you have no use for any institution by design - but for the rest of us who actually give a damn about these things, it would be nice.