I admire you're trying to write this article. But you will fail. You see, as we learned long ago. Israel is right about everything. Should you even suggest remotely that they are imperfect or flawed or have done anything wrong to its neighbors. You are anti-semitic. I am Jewish and I am proud of my identity. But I know that by even suggesting that there is a point to this, I will be labeled a Nazi. Because every rule that every other nation in the Middle East has towards its neighbors NEVER appies to Israel. Any rule that applies that any other nation in the WORLD never applies to Israel. Israel is always right, never wrong. Jewish people are not capable of bigotry the same way African-Americans are not being racist when they say all white people are racist or women can be sexist when they accuse all men of being misogynist. If you are part of a group that is the victim of bigotry, then by default you can't be bigoted and your own tribe is never wrong. There is no room for nuance among any tribe, not political, not racial, and certainly not here. Two wrongs don't make a right, but if your tribe is doing it, it's not a wrong and never will be. I have seen this in the comments section of every article that tries for nuance on an issue from the most rapid tribalists and I see it here already.. Your argument is sound and unemotional which is why most of the comments will claim to be logical and be purely emotional.