I always love how you and the left truly show your colors when it comes to the South. Thanks for at least acknowledging that you really would have been if America had been divided into two sections: the one that you permanently disagree with and 'Real America'. Sure, the inevitable consequence would no doubt have been many wars if that had been the case (because two nations that are bordering it each other ALWAYS function in peace time) and who knows what would have happened if, say, after a few decades, certain European countries had decided to recognize it is as its own country and then we could have fought World Wars on Americans soil. (nUMEROUS historians and writers have argued that could have happened). And for the record you now no longer have the right to mock M.T. Greene about a 'national divorce' being absurd. You just argued for it on a historical level.
But of course all of this is fine because it was solve the problem. I mean, we'd just build a giant wall on the Mason-Dixon line and get the Confederacy to pay for it. That's the solution to the United States of America's problems. Kick out everybody you disagreee with. Seriously I've read your stuff before. I thought you were better than this.