I don't think Hoffman ever gave a bad performance in his entire career. Perhaps the most underrated one he gave was in the incredible Owning Mahoney where he played the real-life character was supposedly lost more money in a single day at Atlantic City then any gambler in history. It may be the most accurate portrayal of a gambling addict in history because like all Hoffman's work its completely understated.
And his most brilliant year in his career was in 2007 where he gave brilliant performances in Before The Devil Knows You're Dead Sidney Lumet's last film, The Savages, the story of a brother and sister taking care of their father who is dying of dementia and Charlie Wilson's War,. He was nominated for an Oscar for the latter and won his second Spirit Award for Best Actor for the second film. There was a special acting prize named for Hoffman after his untimely death by the Spirit Awards which is absolutely fitting: no actor I know better embodies independent film that Hoffman.
His overdose shook me greatly when it happened as he was only fifty-three and I was sure his best work was still to come. He was doughy, gangly looking and he was everything Hollywood doesn't look for in a leading man but can work in everything they ask for. I miss him immensely. We all do.