I feel your pain. I gave up on Star Wars years ago and refuse to watch any more of the Mandalorian after just three episodes but I have a certain circle of friends who just can't egt over the fact that Rian Johnson 'ruined' Star Wars. They refuse to say how he ruined Star Wars and I'm not even sure they actually saw the movie. But they are fixed in their point of view and will not budge from it.
It is frightening how people will stay locked on to views about subject and not change about franchises. If critics like it, the studio bought them. If they set box offfice records, fans are idiots. If fans say they loved the films, then the fans have been bought. They will argue that Hollywood needs 'new stories' but oh how they snap when it involves anything other than straight white males fighting other straight white males. Let female and minority characters have their OWN series and films. (The fact that they malign these same films and politically correct milking doesn't matter to them.) They want things to be exactly the same but with variety. They have won the battle and the war over everything on television and film, but its not enough until we all agree with them anyway.