I fully endorse every aspect of this review. Granted I don't much like today's pop music at all, but I've never been able to understand why so many people love Taylor Swift, Beyonce, Lady Gaga (some of her stuff) and basically almost everybody on the top 40 going back at least a decade.
I grant you I've had a lot of trouble with rock music going back to my childhood but years later I can appreciate and love the work of Michael Jackson, Tina Turner, and even some of their earlier rappers. All of these new singers seem just a lot better at marketing themselves on social media rather than having immense musical gifts that you know transcend space and time the way their devoted fans seeem certain they do. (For the record I don't even think their stylistic choices are revolutionary Gaga's style is just a variation on that of Bjork and Beyonce would be nothing compared to Whitney Houston's ability.
Taylor Swift is not revolutionary. What she is is a singer with a good voice, who is young and attractive, and has a lot of ability to inspire young people on social media who don't know anything about, well, anything. The greatest thing about Swift is that she has a great following on social media and as we all know that outweighs everythign in the age of the internet. I expect to be excoriated on this online even more than some of my political views, but I actually feel stronger about this then some of the other things.