I fully support this argument. Now try and convince all the lefties out there who truly believe there is no difference between Trump and Harris even though they lived through his previous administration and spent those four years claiming he was destroying democracy and America.
I can comprehend at some level the far right's beliefs but the far left - and this site has a huge number of them - baffle me, particularly durijng the Biden demonstration. I honestly think they suffered from the same amnesia that so many other Republicans have since Trump left office. They will argue long and hard about all the horrible things Trump, the GOP and far right have done to this country - but that's somehow not enough to convince them to support Democrats or even acknowledge that they'll vote in the next election. As far as they're concerned any loyalty they had to either Biden or the Democrats ended after he was declared the victor in 2020. Not even January 6th was enough to make them at least provisionally committ to the Democrats. Hell, Biden was a disappointment BEFORE he took office.
How anyone of them could be considering sitting the election out or voting for Jill Stein truly baffles me. They'll be more willing to say what will go wrong if Trump wins - and I honestly think some of them are looking forward to it, Hell, I think some of them were even more disappointed then the GOP when the red wave didn't materialize two years ago. Apparenntly to them, democracy is the worst form of government, full stop. I'm inclined to think they're all a spoiled bunch of brats who don't know how good they have it and can't even tell you what we could do to make things better. There are so many leftists syaing that they plan to leave America regardless of who wins in 2024. I really wish they would. To paraphrase Claire Boothe Luce (a Republican congresswoman in the 1940s and therefore a traitor to everyone who never heard of her) when a leftist leaves one country and goes to a new one, it increases the intelligence of both countries.