I have to ask: did you consider asking this friend of yours? Well, you live on stolen land too. Are you willing to go back home to your European ancestry?
Should the money you raise from your proceeds be going to generations of people YOUR ancestors displaced when they chose to colonize America and create the oppressive dictatorship every single one of us is a prison of?
After all, it is because of the Spanish that by far a worse organization of colonization took place in America.
This is sarcasm towards your friend not you. I make this clear because when I brought this exact point out to someone who had taken the usual Anti-Zionist position (being completely sarcastic in my tone, of course) they took it, as the left often does, literally. "So you agree that Israel was base on genocide."
One of the things I've come to wonder about the left in America is whether they truly hate the MAGA movement because it has infringed on their copyright. For all the horrible racist rhetoric of the right on this critical issue, the left have a diametrically opposed position. Based on their constant articles America is in fact a shithole nation and they can't comprehend why anyone in their right mind would want to live here. They don't want immigrants to be kicked out of the country; they can't understand why they'd want to live here in the first place. Given their rhetoric, you'd think that the people who are trying to escape fundamentalist, totalitarian regimes - such as the ones in the Middle East that AREN'T Israel - don't know how good they've got it.
And to be clear many of the biggest defenders of Palestine are aware of how repressive these theocracies are to people like them, among them women and LGBTQ+. They somehow seem to see in this groups anti-American attitude or their oppression something like 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' That the enemy they ally with not only doesn't see them that way - would in fact kill many of them on site if they showed up in Gaza - is something they seem either unaware with or fine with.
So much of our political climate has been dominated by what's happening in Gaza but it has, for me in particular, reveal the exclusive bigoted nature of the far left more clearly then anything else as well as how - much as they'd deny it - their rhetoric frequently mirrors the far right rhetoric that they abhor. I honestly think much of their attitude towards the right is not so much bigotry but envy. "We're the smart ones, the educated ones," they think. "How come we haven't completely taken over a political party the way the conservatives have the Republicans?" I have an answer to that which I'll write about later at my own site but the idea that the left and its movement is 'the good one' is a huge myth that they have propogated as widely as the right's - they've just never gotten as much acceptance by the public