I have to say I've never really liked found footage movies. The whole genre is basically the same film told with no real variations: amateur filmmakers go on a long trek into strange space, run into monsters, are all killed, camera goes black. I never liked the Blair Witch Project (but I have a different reason if you look through some of my other reviews) and with the exception of Chronicle, which violates every term of the found footage film, they've all been the same story with no results.
nOW i'll admit this version sounded more interesting and possibly entertaining. What I'm afraid of is that i'm going to watch it and I'm going to see V/H/S tHAT70' Show. Your word means a lot to me Simon, I won't lie. But I don't know if my understandable misgivings about the whole genre are enough to make me voluntarily watch it. Maybe if I run into it channel chasing.