I know I may regret this decision in the morning and I realize I may face wrath from the internet around for doing so. But having thought about your article I am shaking with rage that will not let me sleep if I don't. I suspect you might block me, report me to Medium or do any number of things. I find it very hard to care.
So I'll try to be as soft as I can and not let my increasing rage overcome me.
Regardless of the election results, regardless of the fate of our republic, regardless of anything that happens after the election, in my opinion you have no right, no privelege to write an article like this ever again.
I share your feelings about Donald Trump. I felt them on election day 2016. I felt them four years ago. I feel them today. But you know what the critcal difference between you and me is:
Indeed most of us don't. Many of the people who suffered under Trump most don't. Many of them still don't. Many of them no doubt have fewer rights and options then you did eight years ago. Many of them would like the option to leave should Trump win.
But they can't. Very few of us can. I certainly can't. And even I could, I have nowhere to go. Now I resent like hell the lectures of all the people who are indifferent but for people who not only have the option to leave this country but who exercised it and still have the gall to be afraid for it, well, my contempt knows no geographic boundary. And I'm sorry your tax laws bind you to this country that you now admit you have no relationship. My heart bleeds for you that you still have that unfortunate obligation to your native land.
The fact you stand behind everyone who is fighting for it is just like this article - words, meaningless words. You won't be on the front lines if things go wrong. You won't suffer the blows of the people who do.. And your support is academic because when the going got tough, you ran. And that you justify it with immigrants - many of whom are running TOWARDS America right now rather than AWAY from it - shows a hypocrisy so deep that I don't think a man who calls him a writer about the human experience could only be seen in someone who is, no matter how eloquent his phrasing, an elitist.
I'm sorry you felt unsafe as I did. I'd feel more sympathy if I didn't feel some version of same thing during those same four years and feel at some point throughout my life. I felt that way a lot of the time because of my own personal issues. I never thought of leaving.
I'm not calling you a coward so much as a hypocrite. And I loathe hypocrisy. The fact that you end your article imploring citizens to vote in an election for a country you longer call home is the most blatant I've seen on this site and I've seen a lot. It's bad enough when people who people who live here refuse to vote because they don't like the choice; the fact that you choose to argue to vote for the fate of a country you've abandoned shows me beyond all denial that irony and satire is truly dead on this site if it ever existed.
As for your reaction to this comment, I'm curious but unconcerned. Regardless of what you say I'm going to still be in America regardless of what happens. Not just because I believe in my country, its ideals as well as its flaws, but because I can't go anywhere if things go ballsup. I'm stuck herre, unlike you who can lecture from afar. But don't worry: you'll have support from plenty of people who DO live here and have your back and will never see the contradiction. Indeed, I bet plenty of them admire you for having the courage to do what many of wish they had the ability too. I have contempt for them too, for the record. But you. You're special.