I rewatch Lost every two years. Breaking Bad is one of the greatest shows in history. Ditto Gilmore Girls. I never got into The Office, but I do understand why so many people love it as literally every great comic talent is in it.
Other series I could watch forever:
The X-Files (though mostly the MOTW)
24: Every day is except Day 6
Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Joss is a monster but his show was genius
ER: It took me until the show was off the air but now I truly recognize what a work of art is was.
Scrubs: Funniest shows of the 2000s.
Big Little Lies: (Please god let them make a third season someday)
Better Call Saul: (Someday I plan to watch that series, then Breaking Bad in chronological order)
The Crown: The royals and Brits should stop whining. This show proves the sun will never set on the British Empire even after it collapsed.
I could keep going, but I think I've made my point. You have nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, I'm proud to meet someone who has such a focus and knows what they like.