i think Basterds is deeply flawed after the first half hour but that's a discussion for another day. This is about Up in the Air which is every you and I say it is.
I do believe it should have won Best adapted screenplay over Precious no question. Whatever virtues the latter film had, it was all about its acting and not its writing. Up In The Air's dialogue and plotting are everything Precious is not. And for the record I would have picked District 9 or An Education as my second and third choices before Precious. The former is brilliant imaginative, the latter light for a heavy topic. I'm pretty sure 30 Rock parodied Precious as the kind of film that exists for no other reason than to win an Oscar.
And for the record, I would have given Basterds - even with its flaws - Best Original Screenplay over The Hurt Locker. And of the five nomiaees I'd have put it dead last behind Basterds, Up, A Serious Man and The Messengers. Let's just say I have issues with the Oscars for a lot of their awards in 2009. Well, I have them in gernal but this year in particular.