I think you really don't care about governing at all. I also think you're attitude is as narcisstic and narrow-minded as the people on Fox News.
In 45 days, Biden had gotten America back into the Paris climate accord and cancelled the keystone pipeline. He has made the most pro-union stance of any Preisdent in the modern era - including FDR. He sign an executive order enhancing voting rights And despite having NO MARGIN FOR ERROR AT ALL, the covid-19 relief bill has passed both houses of Congress. Naturally, his Presidency is a failure. What exactly would Bernie - who by the way has complained one bit - have done differently or better?
You are part of the problem. Honestly, you're a bigger part of the problem than the right wing. At least the right wing has a steady position: everything the Democrats does is bad. Your position is everything Democrats do is not enough. You can't even wait until Biden's first 100 Days are over to call him a failure.
Why don't you write an article explaining how you as President would manage to do exactly what you want him don? I don't you explaining how; you're just complaining he should do more. Do you believe in government at all? I know you don't believe in democracy; that's a given by reading your articles. But you don't seem to believe in government period. I honestly if Trump has said increase the minimum wage to $15 and than it had happened, you'd be fine. You don't want the sausage to even be made, you just want it now