If fanfiction and fan created works are the only thing left for creativity, then I'm done. Purely and utterly done.
If there is one thing I have learned about the internet when it comes to creativity, it's that the trolls always win. They can't take people of color in any thing - whether its fiction in the future or the distant past; old franchises or new ones; remakes or new things. The internet killed social discourse and moderation.
During the golden age of television, Anna Gunn receieved death threats for playing Skyler White. Major media figures connected with Obi Wan and Rings of Power receieve similar threats. Their celebrities and can perform bodyguards. When any project comes that dares to be creative with minority roles anywhere near a popular franchise, people will die. I'm serious. Someone on the internet will call a fatwa on someone they think is playing Star Trek fANFIC TOo seriously and they will be killed. Studio systems and broadcast systems are destroying everything but at least they have the good sense to try to protect their talent. No one's going to do that for TikTok.
I think there's a possibility that creativity on any medium is done. Done. Broadcast had a monopoly until cable offered an oasis. Then cable expanded to much and streaming took over. We were all naive to believe that Netflix was telling us the truth about the numbers they were getting but by the time we learned the truth it was too late. And now you say that we must rely on collaborative creative platforms to the net for our next burst of energy?
We're done. Creativity has nowhere left to go and no places to make them. And seriously if you think the fans can come up with original ideas to save television or movies, go to fanfic.net for five minutes. there's one or two creative stories for every five to six hundred published. I should know I've been writing their for years. There is some good stuff I admit, but it's like what Charles Beaumont said about working in television: wading through a pile of manure to pick a single perfect rose, and when you get there, you find you have lost your sense of smell.
Don't pretend this isn't by design. Studio made movies for years for teenage boys and that's all we get now anywhere. You can't be shocked that TV became the same; hell, EW spent much of its life defending it. You want to blame all this on the studios, on vertical integration. That's fine, they deserve it. But if you seriously think those same fans can SAVE this medium, you're deluded. The internet has done this; don't look for it to save us. I agree with the last sentence of your review, but not the ones that proceed it. I know the system I wallow in to well. Hell, I write for it.