I'm reminded of when Bill maher argued that we should treat obesity like we did smoking and tobacco - and he was publiclly shamed for saying so. As someone who suffers from weight problems and as pre-diabetic I know that these are issues that need to be taken seriously. And considering the obesity epidemic is linked to so many health problems the same way so many people haver argued that alcohol, smoking and the opoid crisis have been labeled you'd think that people would argue for that. Hell, considering how much junk food and fast food is linked to corporations, it has all the earmarks of things so many of these people have argued for.
I realize we spent an absurd amount of time in the 20th century arguing for bulimic attitudes of models who looked like straws and that being slender was the only model for beauty. But I'm beginnign to think that we've radically overcorrected when it comes to the idea of body positivity. No one ever said: "If that person choosing to kill themselves with cigarettes or heroin or cocaine, it should be their choice." But if you want to eat yourself so that you risk death by heart attack, diabetes or angina, that's okay?
There has to be a middle ground on this, but somehow like everything else in today's society there is none. Obesity is as dangerous as smoking or drinking. We should be willing to acknowlegde that.