Latest Daily Kos update came out. They have lots to say about Kristin Noem killing her dog, Howard Dean's prespective comeback for governor in Vermont and climate change. In their world, nothing is happening at Columbia of interest even though CNN and MSNBC have interrupted coverage of Trump's trial to cover Columbia live.
I have little doubt when the next newsletter comes tomorrow if they say anything about Columbia it will only have to do with the Republicans and Trump's outrage not being real and this being part of the right wing's war on education. There will be no mention of what the protesters were protesting about, their behavior or even if their actions were illegal.
Apparently Daily Kos has decided to deal with the one issue that has the possibility to really be a major factor in this election by - pretending it doesn't exist. These things are happening in the bluest states in the union among the youngest part of the population and their argument is not the usual one that it's background noise from real issues but that's its not happening. I've known that they've lived in an alternate reality for years, but that reality was based on at least the concept that they were the grownups paying attention to the outside world and that conservative media - really anyone that disagreed with them - was just providing a distraction from the truth. It's going to be a lot harder for them to maintain that illusion if their bubble apparently ignores an issue everyone else has an opinion on. The left has had obvious blindspots in its life but considering for twenty years they've argued about everything in the Middle East whenever they have a chance and now they say nothing about the major conflict, it's going to be hard to work around it.But I have confidence they can.