Let me guess. This is the only cabinet which would have satisfied you.
Sec of State: BernIE sANDERS
Sec of Treasury: AOC
Sec Of Defense: Ilhan Ohmar
Sec Of Interior: Bernie Sanders.
Secretary of Commerce: bernie Sanders
Secretary of Transportation: Andrew Yang
I'm kind of tired on you harping that any democrat who didn't either support Bernie or IS Bernie is the enemy. then again,you always seem to forget that bernie isn't a democrat either.
Patronage is how winning office wins: you give posts to people who supported you and more importantly, agreed with your point of view during the campaign. Lincoln's appointing their rivals don't happen that often. but of course, Lincoln was never a leftist (although maybe you should read some of his writings on economics and the masses, you'd be surprised) so he's not a good model for anything. The only good models are people who represent a fraction of a fraction of one party. Not the people who actually have to do the job of governing.