Odd i was nineteen when I watched (and fell in love) with Buffy but I always wonder if because I was a male whether the messages resonated. Was also a huge fan of much of the WB's repetoire, among them Angel (until I learned the truth of Season 4) Gilmore Girls and lesser gems such as Popular and Jack and Bobby. The CW carried the torch for awhile before it got lost in DC origins stories (great shows but hardly the point)
I found a certain joy in two other dramas that dealt with being a young adult: Freeform's Cruel Summer (one of the best shows of the 2020) and I'm madly in love with Yellowjackets too. When done well a YA TV series can teach us so much more about to realities of the world than so many of the shows with white male antiheroes. Yes our world needs Saul Goodmans and Don Drapers but we also need the Scoobies and the Rory Gilmores just as much. These days, I think we need the latter more than ever.