Of course Israeli's should prioritze Palestinian children over their own. Same way Americans should prioritze Afghani children over their own, iRAQi children over their own. Of course the American children who went to die in Vietnam were victims and aMERICan children shouldn't have fought in that war. The Vietnamese children didn't matter back then because it was only the American children who fought in the war who mattered.
Similarly according to the conservaitves the lives of American children must be prioritized so we must protect them from even the idea of learning of 'deviant sexuality' critical race theory and Marxist socialism. We have to secure the border to protect our children from latinos And to the left those children who are in red states are being deprived of liberty by thos governors and are the reasons for Democratic elections. The children themselves haven't been asked their opinions because, you see, they don't vote.
Ah, the children card: the one we always use because no one can argue with a dead child. Granted we have little use in our society for the opinions of living ones. And why is more tragic when a child is killed than an adult? Yes they lost more live but that does mean the adult's life meant less? That because they got to live longer they're less of a victim. I don't agree with ninety-five percent of what Bill Maher says - he's a misogynist misanthrope who pretends to be a comedian - but when he said our society thinkgs "Children are more important than people," he was dead on. Yes, he was bigoted because he is a life-long bachelor and hates the idea of children, but there is a point to that that we've never been willing to undertsand. I hate moral arithmetic on any level, and using children as part of it is despicable. Tired of it.