Oh I know why so many people dislike Wes Anderson. He doesn't make films for box office consumption. Nor does he make films for small independent audience. How do I put this...
You are celebrated an era that was gone long before you were born, A New Leaf. There's a variation on this line Grand Budapest Hotel. In an earlier era, Anderson would be deified by a certain group of critics who worship the obvious love for detail, color and god help us visual that are the part of every Wes Anderson film. But those critics are gone. There may not even be such a thing as a critic any more. There are only moviegoers. And in a world were everything is idea a variation on a comic book, a franchise or a remake, what room is there for someone who just wants to be an individualists?
Wes Anderson's movies are basically celebrations in their worlds, the same way that Quentin Tarentinos are. But Tarentino punctuates his dialogue and images with violence. if someone had a violent thought in a Wes Anderson film, it would be expressed by three paragraphs of dialogue.
I am a fan of many Anderson's films. Like you, his animated films strike me as far better than live action. fantastic Mr. Fox was a gem and my friends and I will religulously quote Isle of Dogs three years after seeing them. Royal Tenenbaums and Darjeeling Limited were wonderful and I loved Moonrise Kingdom and yes, Grand Budapest Hotel. And even if you are bored by the pace of an Anderson film, there's always some gorgeous to look at. The attention to detail in his films is ridiculous really. Which may also be part of the problem. We're so used to movies going bang bang bang when the camera lingers or dollies the way Anderson's will we feel insulted somehow. Most films feel shorter than they are. Anderson's films are not long but they SEEM longer then they are. And in this world that's unforgivable.
i might see French Dispatch in the theaters. i will probably see it when it comes on cable. Either way I will watch. I will be many things, but I won't be bored. I can, however, understand why many perhaps most will go 'huh'