Robert Eggers is one of the big names on my list. Greta Gerwig was (I am not one of those who thought she was robbed of an OScar nomination for Barbie) Todd Field has only made three films but what three films (In the Bedroom, Little Children, tAR) so I hope we don't have to wait fifteen years for his next one.
Martin McDonnagh (In Bruges, Three Billboards, Banshees of Insherin and the undervalued SeveN pSYCHOPATHS)
Sarah Polley (Away from Her, Women Talking and a few more)
Jason Reitman (though his quality has flagged a bit recently)
Sam Mendes may be the only director who is master of both the arthouse and the blockbuster (Skyfall, Road to Perdition, 1917)
Tom McCarthy former actor director of such brilliant films as The Visitor, Win Win and the Oscar winning Spotlight.
David O. Russell - The Fighter, Silver Linings Playbook, American Hustle. He hasn't been hot for a while but his films are never cut and paste.
And probably Ang Lee, if only because he never does the same kind of film twice. What is the common thread between Sense and Sensibility, the Ice Storm, Crouching Tiger, Brokeback Mountain and Life of Pi.
I wouldn't give all of them unconditional support but most of them have a lot of leeway with me and probably always will.