Screw you. I mean in this biggest possible sense. Screw you. If you truly believe that cats and dogs are better off running free in the wild where they can freeze, starve, be hit by cars, die from abuse from random people who are just as akin to hit them as they are to give them affection, then you are one of the biggest fools of all time and have a level of stupidity that can't truly be matched. And trust me I've read some moronic articles even in the theoretical sense on this article.
To be clear you're saying that by giving animals food, shelter and affection that they would not receive in the world is an act of selfishness ON OUR PART then you must be really fun at parties. Seriously. Try telling that to somebody who has pet dog that they've owned for years that if they really loved animals they'd never adopt one and just see where that gets you.
i could argue that by raising kids you're selfish because. Did those kids ask to be born into a world that's becoming more selfish and conservative by today? How dare you bring children into a world where guns and climate change and worst of all Republicans live? You did it for you not them. And trust me they'll be telling you this in no uncertain terms one way or another. Why don't you trying reading them this article the next time they ask for a puppy? "Do you know how selfish you're being? Why don't you ask the puppy if he wants to be adopted?" Your child will look at you and say but puppies don't talk.
It is people like you who remind me why Republicans win elections because the left is dumb. And trust me if Tucker Carlson or Alex Jones had said this exact thing you'd excoriate them for thier stupidity. But because YOU'RE saying it, it's a sign of great intellect.
We are all dumber for having read this article. I award you no points and may God have mercy on anyone who knows you.