See the problem is every single one of these statements goes against the unwritten credo of everyone who makes comments regarding 'controversial' issues on medium which tned to fall under a few categories:
1. yOU ARE absolutely and completely right and a true hero for speaking the truth.
2. You are a complete and utter monster and by even suggesting such things you are giving aid and comfort to the enemy.
3 Intelligent ways of calling you a moron and making clear the commentor alone knows the whole truth (and will often give you countless recitations of why)
4. Support for your point of view as a rational person
aS you might realize by now, 95 to 97 percent of comments will fall all of the first three with the rest of them shouting at the people who disagree with you. A small percentage will do the fourth; which is mine.
Don't expect the comments on this article to be any different. And as to hate speech, well, I've been among these 'thoughtful people' long enough to know that they define hate speech and abusive language as anything said TO them, not anything they say TO you. If Medium did so on that bases, the site would be completely empty.