That first rule has been fundamentally considered as something to be disregarded by the left in the age of Trump. To be clear I acknowledge the far right was the first to weaponize but the far left has spent much of the last decade arguing that to even give the other side an interview in a paper like the Times or the Post is akin to giving aide and comfort to the enemy. They should only appear in far right journals that the left can argue with full righteousness doesn't deserve to exist.
I don't know if one can be truly objective because being human a writer will have to work very hard not to let their prejudices sink in to their writing. I've done my best to do so as a writer and critics and I have to say it takes a lot of effort and it can be so much easier to let the bias in even in factual reporting
I do everything in my power to obey all of the other rules - and sometimes that doesn't make you popular. We all need to keep being reminded of them. Thank you for keeping us honest