That's the most optimistic thing I've heard anyone say abotu BIDEN's performance. There has been a shadow movement since even before the midterms to try and push Biden out. The argument was very much that he was too old and fragile and it was framed under other lines (he only promised to serve one term) but I do get the feeling there was a progressive agenda.
I noticed that for all of the left's fury about Trump when he was President and how much he was destroying America, whatever loyalty that they might have had to Biden ended on election night 2020 and disappeared entirely after he was sworn in. They will accuse the right of having short memories about everything Trump was but in my opinion theirs are shorter. If anything, they've been harsher on Biden then Fox News has been as they seem to have interpreting Biden's 2020 election as a sweeping mandate for what was essentially the leftist agenda. tHAT Would seem hard to consture - the Democrats lost seats in the House and only won the Senate because of two runoff elections, but as I've come to learn the left is just as good at spinning a narrative as the right is. Even after everything that the Trump adminstration had been, it took him ten seconds after he left to go back to their old song that there is no difference between the two parties. Everything about Biden's age and performance at the debat is just an excuse: the left has wanted him off the ticket for the last year, and its been clear no matter how many election cycles the Democrats win and they've been on a tear since the midterms - they want to get rid of him for the same reason they do every other President. He did not from day oen, enact every single item on the leftist agenda by dicatorial fiat. The fact that no President or democracy can do that is just details to the left who truly believe the only reason their agenda isn't law is because 'they' are standing in the way. 'They' is eveyrone who doens't a hundred percent agree with them at any given moment.\
I fundamentally question whether the left really has any committment to democracy or if at the end of the day that are just the other side of the extreme right. For more than two century, they have been incapable of comprehending that being on the right side of history is meaningless if you do not have the will of the people or are willing to accomodate your views to get what you want done. In the eyes of the left, they'd rather ask for forgiveness then permission but in their minds they don't need permission to do what they want and everyone else will beg THEM for forgiveness once their goals are achieved. Since that has never happened, they have been blaming eveyrone but themselves for a cneutry and they clearly have no intention of stopping now. I honestly think they would prefer the break-up of our society just so that they can tell us before it happens: "You brought this on yourselves by not doing what we told you."