Well, glad to see that your solution to the climate crisis is to say the real solution is to stop beating up on doomers. You know, your job. What you're making your living on. A week after telling us you would take a break between columns and spend more time with your family. That lasted as long as I thought.
Do you live your life by this lifestyle? How much energy do you expend writing your columns each day? You do know that there is energy expended when we go on social media and read your column and click on your columns. But right, you're not doing this for the money. It's for our own good. And may I add the paragraph of 'solutions' is more than you have written about solutions in the entire two years you've been doing doomcrying about this subject.
bUF OF course consuming less has nothing to do with your columns. Obviously we should consume and click on everyone of your columns. Toxic optimism doesn't help. Toxic pessimism doesn't help either. And calling it realism in the same breath you call it impossible, is still pessimism. But of course, no one could accuse you of being a lecturer or a judger and of course its okay for you to harass us. Its just not okay for other people to do the exact same thing to YOU. nOT That you would ever modify your behavior or practice kindness or understanding to anyone.
But as has been proven time and again, irony is absent from your generation as well as self-awareness. I'm not an optimist, toxic or otherwise. What I hate is hypocrisy at any level and saying that everyone who attacks what you do is a hypocrite. if you really thought it was too late to do anything, YOU'D STOP WRITING THESE COLUMNS. You've made your point. We all got it years ago. If there's nothing to be done at this point for civilization, then the only reason you're writing these columns is not to serve as a bellwether or warning cry. Its to promote yourself by saying that the people who offer a conflicting point of view are part of the problem BECAUSE THEY'RE TRYING TO DO EXACTLY WHAT YOU DO IN THE LAST LINES OF YOUR ARTICLE.
If you really believe that's what we should do, say its your last column and do it. You don't care about opinions, or anything we really say as long as we read or react to your column. It doesn't matter in your eyes if we agree with you or disagree with you about any of your columns. We are as much a comm odity to you as the corporation you rail against. Now go on ignore me and make your next post. I know it's the same boilerplate every time. You just change the language