What does it say about how utterly twisted Star War fans are that twenty-five years after the fact many of them now consider series such as Obi-Wan Kenobi a 'reclamation of Star Wars'?
I've made it clear that my own opinions on Star Wars have not changed since I first saw the original trilogy. For a series that most cinema fans believe destroyed filmmaking as we know it, not even A New Hope is that good. Not even Alec Guiness like it that much and notorious the original actors including Harrison Ford revolted and threatened to read the original script to George Lucas unless he rewrote it. This is the series that inspired a generation to go to the movie? Jaws and Close Encounters I get, but Star Wars. It's not even thta interesting a space opera.
Simon Dillon wrote that if Episode I had come out first the series would never have gotten off the ground. He's right. But no matter how often I look at even the original trilogy all I see is a series that has a story that inspired a line of video games that are much better.
I don't mean to anger millions of fans - no I do actually. For all my life I've heard that series like The Mandolorian or Boba Fett is going to 'redeem' Star Wars. What the hell is there to redeem? Redeem assumes there was ever something of value in the first place. I've read great sci-fi. I've seen great sci-fi on the screen. And no matter what trilogy Star WARS ain't it. I hate to go against the zeitgeist but the prequels and the new trilogy and going woke didn't wreck Star Wars: There was nothing to wreck. It has coasted on the merits of its technical aspects and its music. I grant you that they are all master classes. IT'S NOT ART. IT'S NOT CULTURE. IT'S NOT EVEN GOOD SCI-FI.
And for those of you who might call me a cretin and a elitist. I'm not. I love fantasy and sci-fi when done well. I loved The X-Files longer than I should have. I loved Buffy even after I learned the truth about Joss. I will to my dying day defend Lost as a work of art and I will go to the mat for Battlestar Galactica and Fringe. The work of Christopher nolan in both the Dark Knight series and his mindbending sci-fi should be taught in film classes. We should celebrate Ridley Scott as the master of the genre from Alien to The Martian and I can say some good things about Prometheus. Denis Vilueneve's movies have always had an artistic flair and I can see the style of a George Miller. All of these stories have three dimensional characters and brilliant writing to go with all the brilliant effects. Star Wars has always been an example of style over substance. Nothing has convinced me of that in thirty five years.