Will be reviewing this series in great detail when I see a couple of more episodes.
I notice that the critical media has been less ecstatic in their raves for Impeachment then the previous two installment of American Crime Story. I think much of your article explains why. For you, however, here's a sneak preview.
At it's core the real reason that the scandals of Bill Clinton made for such late night fodder wasn't because we were scandalized by the sexual affairs or angry about the miscarriage of justice. I think there was an undercurrent of: These women aren't good-looking enough to be the President's mistresses.
Remember how we laughed when John Goodman was cast as Linda Tripp on SNL? Lorne Michaels wasn't trying to ping for accuracy as he would with Tina Fey as Palin. No, Linda Tripp was fat and ugly. No decent women should have to put on prosthetics for her. And God, the disgusting jokes Bill Maher was making about it even well into W's adminstration.
This may not be the intention, but i actually felt sorry for Tripp in the first episode. She had an overinflated sense of self for sure, but that's not a sin limited to those of us who work in the White House. And you saw the way that both Monica and Tripp picked at their food and discussed Weight Watchers diets. They were being body shamed before the term existed
This series has as much potential for Greatness as People V. O.J. and Gianni Versace. I expected, and it seems that this will indeed be the case, Murphy is using the story of Clinton and Lewinsky to tell a larger story about gender roles and power. Of course theTV media doesn't want to be dragged back to the Clinton years. They don't want to look closely at the mess they created.