Worse. They don't want to work. They want to have careers and influence. They want to change the narrative. They want to make millions of dollars without having to do anything. I've read my share of YA books which feature a lot of very horrible children who think they are good people but are self-centered and have no interests other than themselves. Some will blame the 'lazy parenting' which is at fault to be sure. And I absolutely agree that smartphones should be banned from school I'd actually argue children should be given phones AT ALL until at least the age of ten and as limited access to wi-fi as possible from the start of their youth for as long as possible.
I would also argue there has to be a reevaluating of teaching as a whole certainly from how the parents tend to view as a reflection on them rather than their children.
The article below is part of a series I wrote last year about some of the myths we as adults have on education. Primarily that we tend to forget many of the things about school as students that we somehow forget when we become parents.
Forgive the plug but it's on point