Wow I have truly read some dumb articles on this site, but this takes the case. If ever there was an article for the right to just say wokism is insane, they just have to lift your piece. Seriously. The first Asian-Actress won Best ACtress in 95 years. Learn how to take a win. I guess if Angela Bassett had won Best Supporting Actress, you'd have said something like: "This is a case of a good actress selling out by doing something commercial like a Marvel Movie, and you know she's whatever the female equivalent of an Uncle Tom is. And if you truly believe that All Quiet on the Western Front somehow romanticizing Nazism, a movement that didn't exist when the book was written then I don't you if you're just completely historically ignorant, a willful bigot, or you know someone who thinks World War I was an atrocity not because millions of Europeans died pointlessly but because you know, the soldiers were all white supremacists anyway because that's what everybody born before say, 1980 was. The stupid in this review burns.