Yes how great it would be to go back to the days when reporters broke stories on papers for the sheer joy of it. The same way movies and TV shows are done purely for artistic benefit with no view to commerce at all.
The stupidity of so many people who write for these articles is mind-boggling. I realize you and your ilk believe capitalism is evil but until you can come up with a system where people are purely altruistic money is going to make everything work. And last I checked, everybody has an agenda because all people have points of view. The idea of neutrality and impartiality never existed because people are not machines and can't let their biases not seep through.
There's no such thing as unobjective news and money manipulates everything. There I've written every article that not only he's written but that thousands of you enlightened people keep writing just using fancier words. Hell, he's making money off this article and by you agreeing with him so it's not like he's pure! I know this will change nothing in your bubbles but try to let this penetrate.