Yes thank you for correct me on my math rather than the basic nature of the point I was making as well as decided to ignore everything about not only the article being discussed but the natures of the comments overall.
Now I know how this ends and so you do and I should know better than to ask these questions but forgive me I must:
You ARE aware that time only moves in one direction as do so many of the norms society has over time? And you are aware that if you as a woman grew up in the 18th century - or the 17th century - or really any century besides this one - you might not have the same values that you have right now? That you might conceivably view the world differently without having the internet at your beck and call or a phone to loook everything up in? And indeed perhaps everyone else who lived during that same period might not have the same enlightened views that we have today and that this Revolution - which I do agree you would have said 'meh' to if you lived when it happened because 'meh' is basically your entire generations reaction to ANYTHING in the world - played a role in the long slow march towards the way people like yourself view the world?
Or are you, like so many of the people on this site, so self-absorbed and entitled that you truly believe that everyone who ever lived not just today but at every waking moment since the beginning of time - secret knows the values of the world that you consider enlightened but that the vast majority - read white men - have done everything in their power to make sure no one else but you and your generation know today? And that because you have this burden of knowledge your actions are not to take up arms against a foreign power or lead a revolution but to leave such pithy comments like this ceniuries after the fact and consider THAT making the kind of stand those deluded old white men were making at the time?
The question is rhetorical because I actually made this actual comment on a post at this very column before I noticed yours. And while I feel slightly guilty at pointing this out it is rare to see in real time, someone actual make my point for me in a comment I've made purely in a hypothetical situation.
My apologies Janice if I've weighed down the mood with this rant but this individual is an example of everything you replied to in my original comment and sometimes, well, the opportunity presented itself so I took it. I know I should know better but sometimes, well, when they throw you a fastball you have to swing at it.