You know, it always make glad that I read the articles of such an informed person as you.
All these years I've been thinking that the right, who have been gerrymandering and redistricting our society so that they can elect only their representatives, have engaged in voter purges to make sure minority don't vote, have layered the Senate so that nothing can pass without a supermajority because they refuse to compromise on any issues at all and pride themselves on the progressive legislation they kill, have publicly done everything they can to slur minorities, women LGBTQ+ and anyone who isn't a cis white male, who have arranged the electoral college so that twice in the past twenty years the candidate who got the most votes didn't win the Presidency, and who have stacked the judiciary and the supreme court for the sole purposes of overturning all the progress of the past half century, and who now utterly refuse to except any election that doesn't result in a Republican win as a fraud, are the real threat to democracy and have been destroying America.
How foolish I've been all this time! Thank you for showing me that the Democrats who have stood up for the right for all these people and are doing the best can under the system that the Republicans have broken are the REAL villains because two of them won't vote the way their supposed too. And of course if the Democrats were real Americans, they would put a gun to the heads of Manchin and SInema's family and tell them either vote like the progressives want or we'll kill them. Because as we know, threatening the lives of Republicans makes them see reason and embrace democracy.
And how foolish I've been for thinking all these years for believing democracy was all about compromise and getting partial victories when its been all or nothing this whole time. And sure, since the other party is absolutely fine with everybody getting nothing that means that's all we get, but why bother for small victories when you can bitch and moan that the other side didn't try hard enough. After all, if you walk away with ninety percent of what you asked for, that's a suckers bet! Honestly if a President can't get his entire agenda passed on day one, he's a loser who doesn't deserve any support and should be considered a failure. And honestly, if the party had any balls they'd have voted for a real Democrat like that social from Vermont Bernie Sanders.
And sure you don't blame voters who vote blue but no matter who but since they voted for these officials, they're as much to blame as the idiots who voted red. Sure the other side has made it clear that if they win another election they'll try to establish a fascist party and are already laying the groundwork, but what difference does that make when the other side can't accomplish everything we asked of them in a system the other side spent half a century breaking. Because if the Democrats really believed in their agenda, Joe Biden would declare himself king, imprison all members of the GOP (and Manchin and Sinema for not being good liberals) dissolve the Supreme Court, have everybody on FOX News face a firing squad (as well as any member of the media that was 'soft' on the progressive agenda) then abdicate and name AOC ruler for life. You know, like the founders intended!
(I'm assuming, like Jessica and Umair and a lot of other people, you're immune to sarcasm. But maybe some people who read your column will get the message.)